Bird and Small Game Hunting
The club grounds feature an abundance of native Turkey, Pheasent, Grouse and Woodcock and Rabbit. All hunting for birds and small game is as per club regulations as defined in the Club General Rules and Regulations as well as the Club Bird and Small Game specific lease and New York State Environmental Law. Bird and small game hunters are entitled to hunt common areas of the property as well as along main trails throughout the property. The club has set aside well over one thousand acres of area specific for bird and small game hunting. Bird and Small Game Members are also entitled to use the property throughout the summer months for summer recreation opportunities as per the Summer Recreation Lease.
PBSC is a NYS Class A DEC licensed game bird shooting preserve. We stock ring neck pheasent annually in addition to our natural Grouse, Turkey and Woodcock game bird populations. The club offers several scheduled bird hunting weekends in the fall, please check our calendar of events for specific details. In addition to the scheduled club hunting weekends members have the ability to hunt game birds as per the lease regulations on an individual basis during the appropriate season.

Big Game Hunting
The club offers excellent deer and bear hunting each season through its Quality Deer Management Program as well as food plots and winter feeding regiment. Each season the club enacts game restrictions to manage and improve the hunting experience for all members. Please see the club’s Big Game Lease for specifics. All hunters are encouraged to read the club General Rules and Regulations document as well as the Big Game Lease carefully as the rules and regulations are strictly enforced, any hunter caught violating the club rules will be removed from the club immediately. Big Game hunters are also entitled to hunt Birds and small game as per the Bird and Small Game Lease as well as use the property throughout the summer months for general recreation as per the Summer Recreation Lease

Big game hunting memberships are limited to approximately thirty members or approximately twelve hundred acres of dedicated hunting area. Each big game hunter is entitled to a five hundred yard circumference (approximately 40 acres) of private hunting area, each member is encouraged to spend the summer scouting the property to locate what he or she feels is the best location for them. Hunters are encouraged to make improvements to their specific hunting area such as permanent blinds and food plots to improve their individual hunting experience. The club will assist members in making improvements to their hunting areas with the use of heavy equipment as necessary. The club manages this process to make sure there aren’t too many hunters in any one area of the property and to insure hunter safety. In addition the club has set aside approximately one thousand acres for bird hunting, small game and big game stalk hunting. The club also maintains non hunting acreage toward our core of the property for the purposes of club food plots as well as an area for game to escape hunting pressure so they are not driven off the club property. We have several trophy class deer taken off the property each season and as the club continues to make improvements we expect the trend to continue.
Members are entitled to make improvements to their individual hunting areas and the club will assist with this as much as possible through the use of club volunteer labor and the use of our heavy equipment. Members may set up as many tree stands or blinds as they wish within their respective areas. We encourage members to build permanent blinds and we have a program to reimburse the member for their investment in their blind if it is built to the club standard, in this case typically the club will reimburse the member a decreasing percentage of the cost of the blind each year; typically the amount of reimbursement is ninety percent the second year and it decreases ten percent each year after assuming the member keeps the structure in good condition. In addition if the member wishes the club can provide pricing for the construction of a turnkey blind as per the club standard or we can build to suite the members design. Please inquire with the club for specific information.